Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Your comment is live on TimesofIndia.com

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From: V.C.Job
Date: Oct 29, 2007 3:31 PM
Subject: Fw: Your comment is live on TimesofIndia.com

From: TOI Online Editor [mailto: toionlineeditor@indiatimes.co.in]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 11:22 AM
To: V.C Job
Subject: Your comment is live on TimesofIndia.com

Dear Reader,Your comment is now displayed on timesofindia.com. Please click here to view it on the website. And do keep writing in. Thank you, Rgds, Editor


Should we be proud of Bobby Jindal?
12 3 45 6 78
V.C.Job, kuwait,says: Good that you asked this question which many are shied to ask. The answer is: there as much we should be proud of Hilary Clinton or Obama. There is nothing more or less. I call Bobby and the other immigrant Indians the lost Indians.The hard core immigrants like Bobby are pure Americans like the initial settlers. There are a type of fence sitting Indian Immigrants who own house and property in India and visit India to celeberate the weddings of their children etc.I think it is better for the immigrants to assimilate fully with the adopting countries and integrate fully with it rather than partial acceptance.It is more or less like Keralites migrating to Mumbai or Delhi which have different culture , language and food habits. After 37 years I say I am a Mumbaite and after 36 years Bobby is an American.
28 Oct 2007, 1442 hrs IST

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