Sunday, July 31, 2005

Find web pages which link to a particular URL / real?

Find web pages which link to a particular URL

You can find web pages which reference a particular URL using this search
method on Google:

So, for example, a Google search of "link:" turns
up web sites which link to Aunty.

Note that there is no space after the "link:"

Find web pages which have your search terms in the title

A really useful way to quickly zero in on that for which you are searching
is to limit your search to pages which have your search terms right in their
title. You can do this with the "intitle:" limiter. For this search you must
put the full search string in quotes:

"intitle:term1 term2 term3?


A Google search of "spam blockers" turns up 637,000 hits. (A search without
the quotes turns up a whopping 1,150,000.)

By contrast "intitle:spam blockers" (note again the lack of a space between
the ":" and the first search term), turns up 730 hits, all of them highly
focused, as they are pages whose titles contain the term "spam blocker".

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0530-3, 07/29/2005
Tested on: 7/31/2005 2:55:28 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 2000-2004 ALWIL Software.

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